About this Program


Organisations cannot be competitive if they are not effective!


Organizational Development (OD) has effectively moved from the traditional “planned change” concept that has always characterized stable organizational architectures, to adaptive agility, which is better suited for business flux, shortened cycles and organizational malleability. The ‘built to adapt’ concept has now effectively replaced the once celebrated ‘built to last’ model, and in the process altering the measures of Organizational Effectiveness (OE) and the competency matrix for OD/OE Practitioners. The concept of ‘lasting change’ is now an illusion in the VUCA and RUPT environment. Traditional indicators of stability are now indicators of dysfunction. This is the new landscape for OD and OE. The Chartered OD Practitioner Program (CODP) brings to the HR and OD Practitioner’s disposal actionable frameworks for analyzing OE and latest methodologies for facilitating strategic, rapid, pervasive fixes to optimize organizational responsiveness, agility and change as well as people performance and engagement, in the shortest possible timeframe. The Bootcamp class is facilitated by certified & vastly experienced OD/OE Trainers with impeccable credentials earned from practicing and consulting for top global corporates.


The Chartered OD Practitioner program gives HR Practitioners & Consultants the opportunity to earn a unique certification by 2 reputed global certification institutes – the International Talent Management Academy (iTMA) and the Global Academy for Finance and Management (GAFM), USA. Both Institutes boasts global learner reach and footprint, rigorous certification standards, and smart learning models with exceptional learner experience and engagement.


Program Coverage

  • Introduction to Organisational Development (OD) and OD Methodology
  • From Organisational Development to Organisational Effectiveness
  • Introduction to Business Case Development
  • Organisational Effectiveness (OE) and Dysfunction
  • OD Diagnostics – Trouble-shooting & Intervention Mapping Models
  • Organisational Design Science and Design Principles – an Overview 
  • Business Design – Business Operating Model and Business Process Reengineering
  • Organizational Design – Organizational Structuring and Competency Mapping
  • Introduction to Agile Models and Practices
  • Employee Experience, Engagement and Performance Enablement
  • Mastering Transformation & Change – The Key Enablers
  • Cultural Transformations, Ways of Working (WoWs) and Organizational Learning
  • Project Management Imperatives for OD & OE Practitioners


To sign up for this Program, email us at certifications@itma-global.com